Boston’s Premium Holistic Health Coaching Services

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“In order to heal any dis-ease, you must first address the root cause. Health is not just the suppression of symptoms, it is the optimization of physical, mental and social well-being.”

— Lorenzo Lugo, IHP2


Address The Cause. Eliminate The Symptoms.

Combining the Best of Functional and Integrative Medicine.


You don’t have to suffer from chronic bloating, gas and constipation etc. Most gut issues stem from harmful gut bacteria, yeast, and parasites that can all be addressed with the proper cleansing protocols…

Weight Loss

“Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym” as they say! Metabolism is fixed with diet and nutrition mostly, then exercise. There are underlying root causes as to why so many people struggle to lose weight. By utilizing the right foods, supplements and detoxes, you can rebalance your metabolic hormones and excess stored fat goes away on its own…

Skin Conditions

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Many times what is occurring on the surface, reflects what is happening on the inside. Healing the gut wall, eliminating pathogens and removing food sensitivities can clear up some of the most severe skin conditions…


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My Story

At the age of 17 I was diagnosed with patellar tendonitis. I did everything my doctor’s recommended, including icing and physical therapy. I was never able to continue playing high school football without the pain. I refused to believe that I would struggle with that pain for the rest of my life. It was not until I heard about “alternative” medicine I started to regain hope…


Begin Your Wellness Journey

Health isn’t just about suppressing a symptom when you get sick, or having a physical once a year to make sure your numbers are within “normal” range. Just because your bloodwork markers are “normal” it doesn’t mean your health is optimal. In fact many people’s numbers are within range and they know something is wrong with their health.

True health is about living pain free, full of energy and excitement, fulfilling your passion and purpose! Our bodies are designed perfectly to heal on their own, when provided the right tools.

If you are sick and tired of being unwell, I want you to know there is a specific reason why. It is not a mystery, and we can identify the cause, at a root causal level, and fix it. I know what works and I want to help you get well.